I felt heard. The bigger impact was in being respected by the Mediator by rewording tough issues and softening the language for all parties.
It showed me that communication is key and sometimes messages get lost in translation.
It will help my HOA community rebuild, using the funds that were negotiated.
The Mediators stuck with it and did not lose their patience when the parents started bickering. This mediation got the case moving forward for parents that could not afford attorneys.
I was very impressed with the whole process.
It brought me a sense of closure after 4 years of dealing with the defendant.
The Mediator did a great job with a difficult bilingual conference.
I don’t know how the Mediators got us to agree. We are both mad, stubborn, and can’t understand each other.
They are miracle workers!
We have used mediation in the past and it has mostly helped us avoid legal court battles.
Helped bring clarity and composure to a fraught situation.
Great facilitation, effective communication and good time management.
This mediation provided us a space that would not have existed easily in the work place. We needed a confidential place and manner to reset our relationship and this mediation provided it.
I was able to share my concerns in a safe and welcoming environment.
Solved a business issue professionally.
Smooth, easy and inexpensive, beats long waits at court.
This mediation helped settle a case we previously thought was not going to settle. The low cost option was very important as the other party was indigent.
The opposing lawyer gave many compliments about all aspects of the service. He was quite impressed.
Quick resolution to a long standing issue with a contractor. It was a great way to settle a difficult case.
This was a stellar experience and a great conclusion given the fact that we had 11 things to discuss and came to conclusions or next steps on all of them.
I think the DRC is doing a great job. It provides bilingual mediators and low cost for families to access services in an effort to resolve outside of court.
Kind, understanding, empathetic and clear. Great timing, courteous, accommodating.
Each of my interactions with the Case Manager was handled with superior customer service.
Case Manager was polite, prompt, and responsive.
The Case Manager answered all my questions and reassured me about the process and its benefits.
Clearly explained the process and suggested activities and information to prepare for the mediation.
The Case Manager kept great dialogue with me through the entire process.
Well organized and very willing to assist in any way necessary.
Prompt, excellent communication.
DRC Case Manager was very accessible and very easy to reach when needed. Answered and addressed all questions and handled scheduling.
Executive Director
Finance Director
Director of Case Management & Volunteer Services
Case Manager
Office Manager
Administrative Consultant
Case Manager
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5407 N. IH-35, Suite 410
Austin, Texas 78723
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