Peacemaker Awards

What Happens When…

A Board of Directors of a local non-profit theater group is on the verge of dismantling a beloved community arts endeavor. Disagreements over a funding crisis threaten to expose the group to possible litigation and exposure.  A facilitator steps in to assist the group in identifying a feasible vision, realistic goals, and consensual strategies, strengthening the leadership, increasing the funding, and thereby rescuing a beloved cultural icon from demise.

An elementary school teacher starts a Conflict Resolution program for all 5th and 6th graders, many of whom are then recruited to perform peer mediations for disputes between students.  The result is a measurable decrease in disciplinary actions, an overall increase in awareness of dispute resolution skills, and a reinforcement of those values, promoting peace and harmony in our schools.

A group of home owners, local builders, a neighborhood association, and natural resource regulatory agency representatives encounter owners of a local cement plant with a 100-year history in the community.  No one hears the issues over the emotion and discord.  Three individuals step into the role of managing the meetings, creating a safe venting process while tracking the issues as they arise.  After six meetings, a five-page agreement is drafted, appeasing the interests of those present to the degree that all lawsuits are         

What do these individuals have in common?

Someone like YOU nominated them for a Peacemaker Award!


This event honors local individuals and organizations that recognize the importance of peacefully resolving issues and have helped to recently do so.

We are currently seeking nominations for recipients and would appreciate your help. This is a wonderful opportunity to recognize those in your community (family, friends, co-workers) who have given their time and energy to help others peacefully reach agreements.

The nominee should be a person or organization that has successfully resolved a conflict or concern between individuals or groups that occurred in Travis or surrounding counties during 2010-2011. Please note: The nominee must be aware of the nomination and agree that no confidentiality has been breached by disclosure of any information on the nomination submission form.

Please send in your nomination today! NOMINATION DEADLINE: AUGUST 1, 2011

To nominate an individual for the 2011 Peacemaker Awards:

Click HERE for online form (Microsoft Word Required)
Click HERE to print and mail your form (PDF document)
Click HERE to view past Peacemaker Award Winners (PDF document)